EAT, pray, love

eat pray love elizabeth liz gilbert

EN | For more than two years now, I longed to go to Italy. I have been in Italy before, but there was an urge to go back to this beautiful country again. While still being at university, I even visited a language class, because I also love Italian. Soon I stumbled across a movie called eat, pray, love and as I absolutely love Julia Roberts, I just had to watch it! I loved the movie and soon bought the book. Now I want to give a review on the first part of the book – the part where narrator Liz travels to Rome (just like I did eventually) and through Italy to follow the pursuit of pleasure. The EAT-part, so to say… Enjoy!

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ROM: Kurzer Aufenthalt in der Ewigen Stadt – Short Stay in the Eternal City

trip rome roma rom städtereise city vatican vatikan flug flight

Viele Wege führen nach Rom. | Many Roads lead to Rome.

…und auch meiner! Im ersten Dezember-Wochenende bin ich nach Rom geflogen. Der Flug war nicht so teuer, sodass sich der Städtetrip ordentlich lohnte! Kurzfristig konnte noch eine meiner Freundinnen mitkommen, und so machten wir uns gemeinsam auf, die Ewige Stadt für uns zu entdecken.

…and so did mine! On the first weekend in december, I went to Rome. The flight wasn’t that expensive, thus the city trip really paid off! Nearly by surprise, a friend of mine accompanied me, and together we went to explore the Eternal City.


Ich in Rom. - Me in Rome.
Ich in Rom. – Me in Rome.

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